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Atlanta Georgia Academy of Cannabis Science Begins Classes in Georgia
For Immediate Release: April 25, 2019
Atlanta Georgia Academy of Cannabis Science to offer Medical Cannabis Industry Courses Beginning April 25, 2019
Atlanta Georgia Academy of Cannabis Science states that if Georgia want to have great medical cannabis laws they are going to have to continue to fight for it. That means that the passing of HB324 on April 15 means that they are gaining a law that will taste as sweet as a brownie, feel like love and cure cancer. "The Medical Cannabis law presented by HB324 is no longer a dream and has become a reality" says Dr. Yolanda Henderson, Owner of the Atlanta Georgia Academy of Cannabis Science franchise. But is HB324 really that good? Well, let’s see.
Think about this for a moment: based on a report from Seattle-based Headset, Inc., the average consumption of cannabis by a patient in the U.S. costs $3,150 per year and if we look at the fact that Georgia's population is about 10.4 million people and if only 1 out of 10 persons takes advantage of and uses medical cannabis as their medication the math is very simple. $3,150 x 1,040,000 people = $3,276,000,000; though these numbers may stagger anyone’s imagination, this could be the economic potential of the implementation of HB324. Again, this is if only 1 out of 10 people decide to use this medication, which is a reasonable assumption. Obviously for this to happen, the industry will have to be fully operational. As validation of this type of revenue Pharmacology University cites that the Mayo Clinic recommends that for epilepsy, for the most part, patients are recommended to take 300mg of CBD oil per day, which is 9 grams/month and at $50 per gram (if you are lucky enough to find that low of a price) this equals $450/month or $5,400 per year. In addition, Pharmacology University carefully states that if a pound of Medical Cannabis in Georgia imitates the average price per pound in the rest of the country, for the state of Georgia to fulfill the demand it will have to produce a minimum of 1,755,000 pounds a year, which, in a population of 1,040,000 patients, only equates to 1.67 pounds per patient/year or 2.25 ounces per month/patient and are incredibly conservative estimates. As well, so that we can get an idea of what we are talking about, please know that a 10,000 square foot space could produce 1,500 pounds per year (the variables are enormous based on growing methodologies, strains, etc.); therefore, Georgia could need over one thousand one-hundred 10,000 square foot grow facilities to meet the demand/needs of the patients. More to the point, once the medication is produced you will need somebody to dispense it; consequently, if the average sales in the dispensary in the USA are 1.5 million dollars that means that Georgia will have to house 2,184 dispensaries. Moreover, that tells us that Georgia could possibly have an additional labor force of over 85,000 employees and this does not include the indirect employees such as security officers, transportation, lab employees, manufacturing, real estate, construction, equipment sales and maintenance, etc. Not bad for a new sector of the medical industry that has been stigmatized and for the most part none of us recognize the magnificent revenues, benefits and the quality of life that this medical flower can bring to the state.
Will Georgia teach the rest of the country how to formulate great laws? The hunger for medicinal cannabis is at a rapid rise, and Georgia is tuned in. It seems like our “Peach State” has joined the vast majority that supports the use of medicinal cannabis, easing the lives of their residents in search for a better future. If done right, the industry can bring many economic and social benefits to the state.
Is all of this information correct? Who is Atlanta Academy of Cannabis Science? Well, Atlanta Academy of Cannabis Science is a group of innovators and entrepreneurs who have dedicated the last twelve years of their lives to studying and educating people and governments about Medical Cannabis in many of the States such as Hawaii, California, Colorado, Arizona, Puerto Rico, Florida, Texas, Nevada and Countries like Argentina, Colombia, Peru, and Mexico. The company, through their franchise Georgia operation owned and operated by Dr. Yolanda Henderson will be offering 5-week medical cannabis courses the first of which will begin on June 1st, 2019. In addition, there will be one day seminars, the first taking place for Doctors and Healthcare Professionals at the Marriot Century Center Hotel on March 9th, 2019. The second workshop being for Medical Cannabis Accounting and Capital Funding on April 13th, 2019 at the same location. There are financing options and according to the courses, different schedule options as well. You can register to attend any of these at or for more information you can call 404-631-6360 or 817-528-2475.
Let’s think of our people, let's think of Georgia! Enroll or invite your friends to sign up for our medical cannabis courses and contribute the bit that will make Georgia another compassionate state. Don’t miss this opportunity that we’ve built for you and the many of inhabitants of Georgia!
We’ll see you on April 27th , 2019 at the Marriott Century Center Hotel in Atlanta.
Let’s think of our people, let's think of Oklahoma! Enroll or invite your friends to sign up for our medical cannabis courses and contribute the bit that will make Oklahoma another compassionate state. Don’t miss this opportunity that we’ve built for you and the many of inhabitants of