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Georgia Medical Cannabis Laws, "Choosing to not let patients choose!"

Dr. Yolanda Henderson

Flower is illegal in Georgia


Georgia Medical Cannabis laws have a long way to go to be in an agreement with the people who need it and question its abilities the most. Many Georgians are seeking Cannabis as an healthy alternative to medications as the opioid makers face lawsuits in states such as Oklahoma. The state blames corporate greed for being responsible, "as it has cost thousands of lives and will take billions of dollars to repair". The state of Oklahoma's attorney general told a judge at the start of the nations first state trial against the companies accused of fueling the problem. President Donald J. Trump has officially declared the opioid epidemic a national emergency.

Opioid abuse in Georgia

In Georgia, of prescription drugs or illegal drugs non cannabis related, In 2015, 27 million people reported current use. Opioids are a prime contributor to our addiction and overdose crisis. Nearly two thirds of the drug overdoses were linked to opioids like Percocet, Oxycontin, heroin and fentanyl. Fact being America consume more opioids than any country in the world. The stagering amount of opioids prescribed in the U.S. was enough for every American to be medicated around the clock for 3 weeks straight according to the office of the Georgia Attorney General. A fast forward, drug overdoses are expected to remain the leading cause of death for Americans under 50, as synthetic opioids continue to push the death counter higher

In Georgia from June 2016 to May of 2017, the total number of opioid doses prescribed to Georgia patients surpassed 541million. To put that in perspective. that is approximately 54doses for every man, woman and child in Goergia.

Medical Cannabis Laws Georgia

The passing of HB 324 " Georgia Hope Act" Passed in March 2019, was a bill enacted to allow instate cultivation and low dos Medical THC oil including less than 5% THC by registered patients who could only possess 20 ounces in the state of Georgia. This crazy Bill was signed by Governor Kemp. Its to be 2 license types Dispensing (retail), Production ( (cultivation and manufacturing)

Problem 1: It only allowed for low dose oils. A choice in the applications and methodologies were not taken into account by patients needing the cannabis medication. They did not consider the Pharmacokinectics of all cannabinoid,a branch of pharmacology that studies all the process to which drugs are subjected when ingested in the body; it aims to clarify what happens with a drug as it passes through the human body, from delivery until it is eliminated in its entirety. Neither did they base a response to the bioindividuality, individuals responding different to the next person disease or one persons medicine is another persons poison. Additionally, the bioavailability, the degree and rate at which a substance is absorbed by individual and the personal experience of each method not taken into account. More info related to the pharmacokinectics at the Atlanta Georgia Academy of Cannabis Science upcoming 5 week course. Now enrolling! Use of medicinal herbs for commercial and medically comes in many forms such as: Essential oils, extracts, plasters, compress,poultices, powders, salves, ointments, creams, syrups, teas, infusions, decoctions, tinctures, vinegars, and wines. Based upon religion practices many herbalist, Naturopaths, homeopathy, ancient Chinese medicine, and Native Americans has practiced herbal tradition including the cannabis plant. Supposedly all herbs are regulated by the FDA and not placed on a schedule in its plant form since July 2008 FDA applying Good manufacturing Practices (GMP) ensuring quality in all supplements and labeled sold in health food stores with the herb cannabis in dispensaries for all chosen routes of administration in states who get it. An Additional problem is dispensing license by the State board of pharmacy, with GAMCC involvement. It should be whole plant without the involvement of big pharma's greed (same distributers of opiods who create major crisis in America) and taking the derivates and making them into prescriptions that have possible poor side effects.

Problem 2 : It was a bill not every participating Georgian agreed to due to lack of current knowledge of the Medical Cannabis Industry as a whole General Assembly or from Georgians but felt comforted to know that the state was making positive steps into the right direction and pass the states stagnation of medical/herbal treatment.

Problem 3: It did not consider the Georgia Attorney general statistics emphasizing different states and countries of non cannabis related drug overdose and Opioid crisis in the U.S and Georgia being top 11! Adding, cannabis has the ability to antagonize opiods, lessening addiction crisis.

State Regulation of Medical Cannabis

The General Assembly finds that the establishment of the Low THC oil patient registry in 2015 allows Georgia patients to possess low oil but no way to get the oil

They found: It only allowed for low dose oils. A choice in the applications and methodologies were not taken into account by patients needing the cannabis medication. They did not consider the Pharmacokinectics of all cannabinoids a branch of pharmacology that studies all the process to which drugs are subjected when ingested in the body; it aims to clarify what happens with a drug as it passes through the human body, from delivery until it is eliminated in its entirety. Neither did they base a response to the bioindividuality, individuals responding different to the next person disease or one persons medicine is another persons poison. Additionally, the bioavailability, the degree and rate at which a substance is absorbed by individual and the personal experience of each method not taken into account. More info related to the pharmacokinectics at the Atlanta Georgia Academy of Cannabis Science upcoming 5 week course. Now enrolling! Use of medicinal herbs for commercial and medically comes in many forms such as: Essential oils, extracts, plasters, compress,

poultices, powders, salves, ointments, creams, syrups, teas, infusions, decoctions, tinctures, vinegars, and wines. Based upon religion practices many herbalist, Naturopaths, homeopathy, ancient Chinese medicine, and Native Americans has practiced herbal tradition including the cannabis plant. Supposedly all herbs are regulated by the FDA and not placed on a schedule in its plant form since July 2008 FDA applying Good manufacturing Practices (GMP) ensuring quality in all supplements and labeled sold in health food stores with the herb cannabis in dispensaries for all chosen routes of administration in states who get it.

Problem 4: It only list certain conditions that longevity leads to death or medication induced liver failure/disease. Furthermore, all diseases related to disfunction CB1 and CB2 receptors of the endocannabinoid system should have been taken into account when stating in the Georgia laws "not standing in between treatment for life and health".

Conditions on the Georgia low dose THC application

1.Cancer, when such diagnosis is end stage or the treatment produces related wasting illness or recalcitrant nausea and vomiting 

2. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, when such diagnosis is severe or end stage 

3.Seizure disorders related to diagnosis of epilepsy or trauma related head injuries 

3. Multiple sclerosis, when such diagnosis is severe or end stage 

4.Crohn’s disease 

5. Mitochondrial disease 

6. Parkinson’s disease, when such diagnosis is severe or end stage 

7 Sickle cell disease, when such diagnosis is severe or end stage 

8.Tourette’s syndrome, when such syndrome is diagnosed as severe 

9. Autism spectrum disorder, when (a) patient is 18 years of age or more, or (b) patient is less than 18 years of age and diagnosed with severe autism 

10. Epidermolysis bullosa 

11.Alzheimer’s disease, when such disease is severe or end stage 

12. AIDS when such syndrome is severe or end stage 

13.Peripheral neuropathy, when symptoms are severe or end stage 

14.Patient is in hospice program, either as inpatient or outpatient 

15.Intractable pain 

16. Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) resulting from direct exposure to or witnessing of a trauma for a patient who is at least 18 years of age

Problem 5: Severe or end stage most people have no immunity and lack will to live once given medication or told medical its nothing left to do for you but use nasty tasting cannabis oil drops. you not only have degraded the alternative medical system used by other countries. But, made medically, cannabis laws and decisions based upon lack of true knowledge of the phytomedicine and it health benefits. Its inhumane and a disgrace to the health and wellness of people who rely on this Phyto medication referring to an herbal medicine that is whole-plant prepared rather than single isolated chemical compounds. Everywhere in the world its legal and proving effectiveness like we are blind to statistic in Georgia. According to World Health Organization estimates that 80 percent of the earth population today depends on plants to treat common ailments. Even the Application is a waiver saying its s NON

Production license

Class 1 Grow 100,000 sq indoor medical cannabis and produce low THC oil

Application fee 25,000 and license fee 200,000

Class 2 Grow 200,000sq indoor 5,000 application fee 1,500,000 on hand at the time of application

Problem 6: Amount on hand is over a million dollars, not very many start up corporations have this kind of money on hand nor will banks open accounts specific to the medical cannabis industry thus being taxed under reg280E since it is still federally illegal.

Problem 7: Industry disqualifications felony drug conviction should be expunged especially those of marijuana convictions. This will allow those who was trying to earn illegal learn legally.

Plus drug screening requirements,I'm a patient, like many others who needs and desires medical cannabis from a state who does not seem to understand it medical benefits. How do a cannabis industry business owner compete?

Those are just a few problems to begin with according to Dr. Yolanda Henderson's research and factual U.S statistics.

We have states like Illinois, who have expunged records and legalized the phtyo medicine (plant)/herb that is making advancing discoveries from all over the world. Georgia lacks the compassion, the knowledge, and the common sense needed to break unhealthy and unlawful barriers. This state could possibly hold the worst Cannabis Law and will go down in history as such. Your only hope is to now vote a presidential candidate who will end suffering and provide humane treatment to the ill and the commerce industry! Get out and vote, share this blog, enroll in class because honestly there is not 4 years at a university to spend with quality medical Cannabis Education like at the Atlanta Georgia Academy of Cannabis Science. Call us today 404-631-6360 or enroll on our website.

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